Video Game Wizards
Video Game Wizards

Est. 2011
9712 SE Foster Rd Portland, OR 97266 Lents
(503) 771-6440

Jennifer L.
Writing this for my boyfriend since he is so happy after his visits this store. They have everything just ask it could be out back. They are always open to negotiation especially if you are buying several things.They test products before you purchase right in front of you. This is great considering a consistent history of broken purchases from Amazon on vintage items. Happy gaming!!!!

"$20 or $25, maybe more..." was the price quote I received when asking how much for an un-priced game. This is of course being spoken while the employee is surfing eBay on their phone right in front of me...I want to like this place but there are several reasons after a few visits why I just can't recommend Video Game Wizards. The store is very disorganized and not customer friendly. The pricing is either decent or doesn't exist at all. If it doesn't exist, you'll be quoted a "variance" of prices based on eBay or "maybe higher". They do have a large inventory packed into a super small store without shelf space or the desire to price and categorize. My most recent interaction has completely turned me off from this place and I won't be frequenting this business much in the future.

Justin N.
Sure, the organization is hectic. Sure, they're not jumping off the walls with unbounded positivity and servitude. Sure, they'll have you do some digging yourself... but damned if they won't do everything they can to make a good sale. These guys are authentic, game-loving dudes with an amazing collection on their hands. Whether you're a passionate gamer, or a casual hobbyist, you simply can't lose here.