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How to Transfer Saves to another PS3?

Emily T.
Playstation 3 - PS3

Ok, so I am finally ready to havemy PS3 fixed (yold after aprox 10 minutes) and was looking to copy my save files to the ps3 of a friend till mine is fixed. Question is, how do I do this? I mean, I know HOW to copy my save files, but what do I use to connect the systems? I was thinking an ethernet cord, but maybe a usb cord? Problem is that I don't think I have a usb cord that is big on both ends...the ones we get for our trollers are a big and small. So yeah, what do I need?

"The only way to move copy-protected save games is through the PlayStation Plus Online Storage or Data Transfer Utility. Doing the latter with your friend's PS3 will leave your PS3 empty and your friend's PS3 with all of your data. He won't be happy since all of his data will be gone. Stick to the USB thumb drive or Online Storage."
" If you have a large external hard drive, then you can try Backup Utility. Copy-protected saves will only restore to the same console, so if you get a different console it won't restore fully. All of your regular save files will restore fine. Make the USB thumb drive backup first, since that is the fastest. If your PS3 YLODs rapidly later, then you may lose the opportunity for the USB thumb drive backup. If you're getting your PS3 fixed, then make sure you're getting a reball. A reflow will be a temporary fix."
You just need a USB thumb drive formatted as FAT to use for backups. Use Saved Data Utility to make individual backups of save games.
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