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How to Fix PS4 Blue Light of Death?

Orlando M.
Playstation 4 - PS4

Bought a PS4 from a Christmas church top fund raising car boot in UK Box was sealed and I paid £480.00 but when I have set it up I get the blue light issue. I did get a phone number from the guy I bought from but on trying it, it does not exist. Tried all the solutions listed by Sony but no joy so called Sony customer support in the UK who will do nothing because I do not have the original receipt – very bad show! Anyone know any fix for this blue light issue?

Replace power supply: Turn your ps4 upside down. Push down on your ps4 on the center of your power suplly and turn the ps4 on.(keep pushing for a 30 sec there is no need to open the case) If you see white light then place something heavy on top of the ps4 power supply center. Keep it upside down at all time untill you replace it. Buy power supply & replace it.
Check Your PS4's Hard Drive The blue light could also be due to a loose HDD. Thankfully, it's rather easy to fix. You can either replace the hard drive with one you purchase, or simply make sure that the hard drive is rightly in place and snug.
Make Sure You're Running the Latest Software If the above methods do not resolve your issue, you can try to update your system via USB, if you haven't already updated to the newest PlayStation software.
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